I’ll be Santa in no time

16 Nov

I’m usually not one to follow trends.  No, really – I’m not (except for stuff like Facebook profile, blogging, etc. – okay, so maybe some trends).  But, I decided to attend an event that rolls around this time of year called Movember.

As an “official” Movember website defines the name and event:

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of mustaches on thousands of mens faces, in the US and around the world. With their Mo’s, these men raise vital awareness and funds for mens health issues, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.

I am mostly doing it for fun.  Of course, it’s great to bring awareness to things, but I’m not raising money or anything like that.  It’s mostly just to – well – grow a mustache.

I’ve opted so far to the full-grown beard.  Not the Grizzly Adams kind – but a slimmed down version.  And you know, I kinda like it.  It’s grown on me.  Get it?  Grown.  Okay, I’ll stop now.

Above:  Possibly me in about a week.

I’ve always been a straight-razor, clean-shaven person.  I never really tread into beard territory.  Not too sure why, either?  At any rate, I’ve transformed a bit.  Now, I somewhat look like I’m not a pre-teen and maybe an adult.  (Acting like an adult though, well, that’s a different story.)

So, here is me on day, um, I’m not sure.  I started a bit early and shaved also.  I keep it ‘trim’.

Above:  No, this is not a mug shot.

I was going to go for the Tom Selleck look, but I don’t know…

Above:  The ‘stash on Tom might not work, but I might go for the hair.

Anyhow, I’m planning on keeping my Movember through November.  And don’t laugh.  I know it’s not that long (the stash) – yet.  It’s still kinda growing in since I messed up and shaved the sucker too short a week or so ago.  But, I can assure you, it will get thicker and more obvious soon.

Hopefully no new trendy months pop up where guys color their hair or something.  That might get weird.

So, I hope everyone is having a good Movember!  Ladies, thanks for kissing us guys with the scruff.  And guys, good luck raising awareness.  As for me?  I’ll just consider myself not as trendy as those who shave theirs off after this month is over because mine will remain canvassed across my face.

7 Responses to “I’ll be Santa in no time”

  1. pouringmyartout November 16, 2012 at 5:09 pm #

    I have had my ‘stache’ since I was 14… in 1974… I am so ahead of my time.

    • w101njf November 16, 2012 at 5:17 pm #

      Hey – whatever works! I’ll might be saying “I’ve had mine since 2012” in a few years.

      • pouringmyartout November 16, 2012 at 7:14 pm #

        It might just work for you. I did a whole series of funny mustache posts.

  2. gardenfreshtomatoes November 17, 2012 at 4:23 am #

    Awww! So cute!
    The real question is: Does the Missus like it?
    My son, step-son, and son-in-law all sport awesome facial hair – I’m a fan….

    • w101njf November 17, 2012 at 6:10 am #

      So far it’s getting good reviews from pretty much everyone. I think as long as I avoid the handlebar mustache, I’ll be okay.

  3. piecesofmyrandomness November 17, 2012 at 4:31 am #

    haha! I’ve always known Tom Selleck as Richard! (from Friends) Never known his real name. Amazing tash on him.

    • w101njf November 17, 2012 at 6:11 am #

      His stash seems to have a personality of it’s own. I just wait for it to walk off his upper lip one day.

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