It’s Been Awhile

30 Jun

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted.  (Boy, I have no clue how many blog post I’ve opened up with that line, but I’m guessing tons.)

You know what though, I really do enjoy writing and would love to blog more.  Until I get this whole blogging-thing down (it’s been only, like, a decade since I started blogging) bear with me.  I still envision having a regular, well-written, observant blog for you someday.  (Okay, maybe excluding the well-written and observant part.)

Listen, I’ve been on a bunch of highs and lows with my cartooning career this year so far in 2014.

Good stuff?  Yeah, there has been a lot.  And there’s a lot that is (hopefully) on the way.  However, honestly, I’ve had my disappointments.  I’ve had a few things that didn’t pan out too well.

One of the lackluster approaches with cartooning was my online courses, Nate Ramblings, I started filming back in January.  You know, I had an okay time with them, but not as much fun as I originally thought.  And I didn’t think they turned out well.  I don’t know if I’m not made for camera, but I found myself sounding like a guy trying to pitch a product rather than offering much that’s too insightful.  I think for a GOOD art series, you need to have some good production.  Me?  I didn’t have the means or the budget for that, so it was just me, a camera and editing on my MacBook by yours truly.

Nate Ramblings received some really awesome feedback – and then some negative.  Nobody really watched them all the way through (I read the analytic s on YouTubeYikes!)  I didn’t really feel like I acted like myself.  I dunno.  Maybe I need acting classes or an internship with Bob Ross (er, wait – that can’t happen).

You know what though – I’m not heartbroken about it.

ONE area with the camera and I that I like is just a real quick view of me doing something on the drawing board.  I’ll probably do more of those.  That’s bound to hold an attention span better than my ten minute-plus long Nate Ramblings.  We’ll see.  It will either be that or cat videos.

Anyhow….back to this year so far.

One disappointing area has been my work with comedian, Tommy Blaze, and our series Knocking on Heaven’s Door.  And no, I’m not disappointed with Tommy.  But, oh my, things may have taken a turn.  I can’t share it with you – yet (in fear of jinxing the series….again).  But, more on that to come.  Let’s just say what started out as a disappointing year for the series eventually has turned, well, incredible (if all goes well).

KOHD_Cover__90928.1374597125.1280.1280Above:  Recently published book by Tommy Blaze and illustrated by me, Knocking on Heaven’s Door.

My work with clients has been cool.  Love all the clients I’m working with (thanks for being fantastic, clients).

THAT being said though, now I’m in the process of marketing my work elsewhere.  MORE clients.

I recently signed up with Cartoonstock and

Both sites are excellent and I’m anxious to have my work featured on the sites.  However, as a cartoonist, I like having the ball in my court when it comes to marketing.  So, I feel it’s extremely necessary to have my own site that functions like the two I just noted.  All of my own work.  All about what I can do.  Sweet?

I had a site,

It was, well, not good.

All my comics were on it, but you couldn’t really search by category.  And to purchase cartoons you had to contact me directly.  No shopping cart or anything.  It stunk.  The functionality totally blew.  So, I whacked a wrecking ball into it and took that sucker down.  It was more of an embarrassment than anything.  (Don’t worry…..Don’t worry.  I still own the domain.)

My time has been eaten alive recently.  So, another area I’m not too thrilled about is not having enough of it (time) to work on things like my MAD Magazine articles.  I could probably be in each issue if I had an extra six to ten hours a week.  I’m not sure if that sounds cocky or whiny (or both) but it’s true.  MAD just takes awhile.  I think I’ll get this one figured out soon.

Let’s see…. What else?

My graphic novel, Don Giovanni, is still being created.  Again, it’s hard to find the time recently.  THAT is why I’m hoping that with some new potential big projects of mine, I can supplement my income by dropping a few other things and really focusing in on it.  (No, I’m not trying to drop client work but my “other” work that isn’t quite as appealing.)  I’m excited to get this done for my own sake.  God knows how well it will sell, but I want to continue down the graphic novel path in my near future in a big way.  Something quite fulfilling about imagining a collection of my own graphic novels.  And who the hell doesn’t want an Mozart opera set in the medium of funny drawings?

And my subscription service has been growing and growing.  Several hundred subscribers are on board now for my daily email and blog.  That’s right – I DO blog daily – but I consider them blurbs instead of blogs so I can’t use that as a supplement for lack of content here.  But, people are reading them and I don’t have many people UNSUBSCRIBE, so that rocks.

OH – and in other art news – painting.

Yes, I’ve been starting to oil paint again.  My previous blog post was about that.  THAT is something else I love doing.  I recently just got commissioned to do a painting (yes, for money) and am excited about taking several days to work on it.

Pop Art (1)Above:  No, this is not the kind of art I have been doing recently.  Although, it does look mighty tasty.

Well, for not having a blog post in awhile, I hope I’ve filled your head with some solid content.  At least for now.

I’ll write as time allows.  I will get consistent though at some point.  I think I’ve been saying that for years and you probably don’t believe me, but honestly – I will.  Writing is cool (huh-huh).

Please leave your feedback, thoughts or pizza coupons in the comments below.

4 Responses to “It’s Been Awhile”

  1. David Hurley July 1, 2014 at 9:35 pm #

    I liked your video series, and yes I did watch them all the way through. I hope you decide to bring them back. Good blog post Nate!

    • w101njf July 2, 2014 at 3:51 am #

      Thanks, David. We’ll see. I wasn’t happy with them, but maybe some day I’ll go back and try that again.

  2. Michelle Turner July 12, 2014 at 4:46 am #

    Hey, cousin! Enjoyed Nate Ramblings…..I would watch with Madison to help spur her interest in art! 🙂 It sounds like more exciting things are in the works. Looking forward to following along!

    • w101njf July 12, 2014 at 7:15 am #

      Hey Michelle! Nice to hear from you. That’s awesome if Madison is into art! I may not have a series going for teaching, but hey, I have some new content coming out soon. We’ll have to make a visit at some point! Been awhile.

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